This utility was created by the Cordoba technology Cluster together with the High Performance Computing Center from the National University of Cordoba. It has a processing capacity of 5 to 10 times higher than the best computers that companies use today in Cordoba.

Physically installed at FaMAF, it is used for testing already developed technologies and for future projects to be developed by companies and the academic sector that need to develop statistical models and scavenging of large amounts of data.


Open to the technological sector

Who can use the Supercomputer?

This equipment is available to all member companies of the Córdoba Technology Cluster, researchers and teachers of the FaMAF, and any company or enterprise with a project in Artificial Intelligence.

Which is the cost for using it?

El uso de la Supercomputadora actualmente no está arancelado.

What kind of projects are accepted?

The Supercomputer is used for any initiative involving Artificial Intelligence: Machine learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, Quantum Computing, Cyber Security, among others.